Friday, 1 October 2021

Tākaro whai

 Kia ora koutou,

I pānui mātou i te pukapuka "Kei te Tākaro Whai a Nani".

E ako ana mātou ki te hanga ētahi mea.

Ka taea e mātau ki te hanga te kapu tī.

Kei te ako tonu ki te hanga te kōtahi taimana.

ānei he kiriata hei tohutohu ki te hanga, e hara i te reo Māori, engari he pai.

Mehe mea kei te mōhio ētahi atu kiriata, tohu mai.

Hanga kōtahi taimana

We have read the pukapuka "Kei te Tākaro whai a Nani".

We are learning to make some things.

We can make the tea cup.

We are still learning to make one diamond.

Here is a video on making one diamond, it isn't in te reo Māori, if you know of any share it on here!

Monday, 6 September 2021

Te Reo Matatini - Literacy for Week 7


Welcome to our learning slides that include reading, writing & oral language.
I will add slides daily. Remember to click the arrow to move to the next slide.
Ka pai ō koutou mahi! Mīharo kē!

Pāngarau & Pūtaiao Mahi - Maths & Science for Week 7


Welcome to our slide show for the week. 
I will add learning daily. 
Remember to push the arrow key until the slide changes.
Ka pai tō wiki! Karawhiua!

Monday, 30 August 2021

Pāngarau & Pūtaiao Mahi - Maths & Science Slides for Week 6



I will add mahi during the week for Pāngarau (Maths) and Pūtaiao (Science). Check the slides! Kia mātara!

Te Reo Matatini - Literacy slideshow for Wiki 6


Maumahara - Remember to look at all the slides each day. Keep pushing the arrow key to get past the videos.

Tāku kurī Jed -- My dog Jed


Ko Jed tēnei.

Last week my dog Jed broke the ligaments in this back leg. He can't walk very well so I take him for a walk in a pushchair. Tino Pārekareka!

Friday, 27 August 2021

Te kepapa kaimoana a Poutini - Poutini's seafood kebab

 Mātakitaki mai. Kua hangaia e mātou ko Nikoya, ko Forrest, ko Wineti. Enjoy viewing this.