Friday, 1 October 2021

Tākaro whai

 Kia ora koutou,

I pānui mātou i te pukapuka "Kei te Tākaro Whai a Nani".

E ako ana mātou ki te hanga ētahi mea.

Ka taea e mātau ki te hanga te kapu tī.

Kei te ako tonu ki te hanga te kōtahi taimana.

ānei he kiriata hei tohutohu ki te hanga, e hara i te reo Māori, engari he pai.

Mehe mea kei te mōhio ētahi atu kiriata, tohu mai.

Hanga kōtahi taimana

We have read the pukapuka "Kei te Tākaro whai a Nani".

We are learning to make some things.

We can make the tea cup.

We are still learning to make one diamond.

Here is a video on making one diamond, it isn't in te reo Māori, if you know of any share it on here!

Monday, 6 September 2021

Te Reo Matatini - Literacy for Week 7


Welcome to our learning slides that include reading, writing & oral language.
I will add slides daily. Remember to click the arrow to move to the next slide.
Ka pai ō koutou mahi! Mīharo kē!

Pāngarau & Pūtaiao Mahi - Maths & Science for Week 7


Welcome to our slide show for the week. 
I will add learning daily. 
Remember to push the arrow key until the slide changes.
Ka pai tō wiki! Karawhiua!

Monday, 30 August 2021

Pāngarau & Pūtaiao Mahi - Maths & Science Slides for Week 6



I will add mahi during the week for Pāngarau (Maths) and Pūtaiao (Science). Check the slides! Kia mātara!

Te Reo Matatini - Literacy slideshow for Wiki 6


Maumahara - Remember to look at all the slides each day. Keep pushing the arrow key to get past the videos.

Tāku kurī Jed -- My dog Jed


Ko Jed tēnei.

Last week my dog Jed broke the ligaments in this back leg. He can't walk very well so I take him for a walk in a pushchair. Tino Pārekareka!

Friday, 27 August 2021

Te kepapa kaimoana a Poutini - Poutini's seafood kebab

 Mātakitaki mai. Kua hangaia e mātou ko Nikoya, ko Forrest, ko Wineti. Enjoy viewing this.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Ngā Mahi o te Wiki Tuarima - week 5

Mōrena Koutou, e pēhea ana tamariki mā? E harikoa ana ahau na te mea ka kite ahau te uma kahurangi o Ranginui.

Anei te mahi pānui me pāngarau o te wiki. I a rā, ka tāpiri ahau he mahi hou ki a koutou.

Maumahara i a rā he wā karakia @10am! Tauti mai!

Morning, how are you today? I am happy because I can see the blue chest of Ranginui. Here is today's reading & maths. Each day I will add more to this slideshow for you to look at and do. Remember we have karakia at 10 each morning.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Te mahi o Tūrei

Mōrena koutou, nau mai tauti mai ki te Rūma Ruru blog site. E pēhea ana tamariki mā? E tino pai ana ahau!

Anei te mahi o Tūrei - Pānui, Tuhituhi, Tuhi Pūreta, Pāngarau, & Ngā Toi.

Mahia! Me Pārekareka! Whakaatua ki ahau.

Morning Rūma Ruru, welcome back to our worksite for this week. How are you feeling? I'm very good! Here is your work for the day.

Have a go! Have fun! Share it with me via email or text.

Monday, 23 August 2021

Te mahi o te Māne

Ata marie tamariki mā! !Ānei te mahi o te rā nei. We have some mahi pānui, where Monica will read to you, then you can watch a little kiriata, then if you like you could make your own kiriata! After that you will find some pāngarau maths challenges, just do as much as you like.

Maumahara mai - Remember - email us or comment below to share your mahi.

Nā, Whaea Robyn, Whaea Nita and Whaea Tiff.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

BOX PLAY - Ehara tēnei i te pouaka noa iho!

I pānui mātou - we read,

I tuhi mātou - we wrote,

I hanga mātou - we made...

Pūtaiao - Popping Candy

 We are investigating Chemical Reactions.

Mīharo kē te Ao Pūtaiao!

Term 1 Week 11 2021 Wood is Good visit @ Hokitika Kura


Mahi Peita - Painting Wiki 11

 Kei te ako mātou ki te kōmitimiti ngā tae.

We are learning to blend colours. 

Friday, 9 April 2021

Mahi Pūtaiao - PAHŪ te PUIA!


Over the last few weeks we have been investigating chemical reactions. We watched the experiment and then got to do the experiments for ourselves. Following instructions carefully is a skills we need for Pūtaiao / Science.   

Please ask me what I saw in my experiment and what I would like to try next time to make it better.