Wednesday, 21 April 2021

BOX PLAY - Ehara tēnei i te pouaka noa iho!

I pānui mātou - we read,

I tuhi mātou - we wrote,

I hanga mātou - we made...

Pūtaiao - Popping Candy

 We are investigating Chemical Reactions.

Mīharo kē te Ao Pūtaiao!

Term 1 Week 11 2021 Wood is Good visit @ Hokitika Kura


Mahi Peita - Painting Wiki 11

 Kei te ako mātou ki te kōmitimiti ngā tae.

We are learning to blend colours. 

Friday, 9 April 2021

Mahi Pūtaiao - PAHŪ te PUIA!


Over the last few weeks we have been investigating chemical reactions. We watched the experiment and then got to do the experiments for ourselves. Following instructions carefully is a skills we need for Pūtaiao / Science.   

Please ask me what I saw in my experiment and what I would like to try next time to make it better.